You were setting up your newly purchased Shelly device and you got the following error: "This device is already linked to another account/user"? We will teach you how to resolve it here!
This error is mainly due to a system bug and for that, you need to format it. To resolve it, follow these steps:
1. Make sure your device has the latest firmware or perform an OTA update through this link: http://deviceip/ota?url= (copy and paste it into your browser and replace "deviceip" with your device's IP).
2. Run the following command: http://deviceip/longifyid (This will perform a factory reset).
3. Reconfigure the device in the Shelly application as usual.
And that's it! Now you can use your Shelly device freely for what you purchased it for.
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1 comment
Steven Koch
Das funktioniert bei mir leider nicht, meine ID ist bereits 12-Stellig und der Fehler tritt auf, seitdem ich die neue APP installiert habe.